Tea Cardo Santo

Blessed Thistle Herbal Tea (cnicus benedictus)


Stomach | Liver | Pancreas

73 Items
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Blessed Thistle

Since the Middle Ages, Blessed Thistle has been considered the cure for almost every disease. Nowadays, it is also used in infusion for the treatment of stomach issues due to its anti-inflammatory potential.

Ingredients: 100% Blessed Thistle, plant (Cnicus benedictus).

What is Blessed Thistle Tea good for

Blessed Thistle Tea is used to treat stomach and liver problems. Besides acting in pain relief, it fights flatulence and promotes the healing of wounds on the skin. Due to its anti-inflammatory potential, the Blessed Thistle is an excellent ally in the treatment of indigestion, diarrhea, loss of appetite, coughing, and menstrual cramps.

Other therapeutic uses: flu, anorexia, abdominal discomfort, anxiety, fever, and gastric ulcer.


Blessed Thistle is a plant with medicinal properties from the Asteraceae family, originating from Mediterranean Europe. Although it is common in India, it became one of the most cultivated plants in Europe during the 16th century, as it helped relieve the symptoms of the plague. In the Middle Ages, Blessed Thistle was associated with warding off disease. Hence, it was known as the “refuge of the poor”. Blessed Thistle grows easily in different soils, and can reach a height of 60 centimetres.

According to some scientific studies, the Blessed Thistle may help the production of breast milk.

Other names: Benedict's thistle, holy thistle, and spotted thistle.

Water temperature: 100º

Infusion time: 5 to 10 minutes.

Recommended quantity: Approx. 1 teaspoon of Blessed Thistle per cup (240ml).

Dosage: 2 cups of tea a day, after meals.

How to prepare Blessed Thistle Tea: place 1 teaspoon of Blessed Thistle in a pot of 240ml of boiled water. Cover and let it infuse for 5 to 10 minutes. Finally, strain and allow cooling a little before drinking. For best results, practice a healthy lifestyle.

Store in a cool, dry place away from light.

Warnings: This plant should be avoided by pregnant women or babies even by anyone with hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the plant.

NOTE: The image presented is only a suggestion of presentation, being that the cut typology and dimensions of the plant can vary in the supply or season of the year, maintaining all the quality, functionalities, and properties of the tea unchanged.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 431 reviews
Edna Lopes
Muito mal servida

Fiz uma encomenda da qual nunca chegou ate mim, enviei vários emails para tentar saber o percurso do artigo, e nada.
Pedi a devolução da quantia paga e até agora não recebi nada.
Ou seja, fiquei sem o dinheiro, sem a encomenda e mal servida. Nunca mais compro nada neste site visto que a encomenda não chega ao seu destino e a devolução não é feita.

Pedro Paulino
Insulina Vegetal

Ótimo sabor,muito agradável ao beber.
Em conjunto com uma dieta alimentar, têm efeitos práticos no control dos açúcares no sangue.

Simão Vieira
Muito caule

Na primeira compra da planta Cardo Mariano, a qualidade foi excelente. Desde a abertura do pacote até à realização do chá, o saco vinha bem composto com folhas e flores, tinha uma aroma intenso e perfumado, a cor do chá era escura e o sabor bastante aromático e fresco, fazia um chá de muita qualidade. Nesta segunda encomenda, encomendei mais 500g e fiquei muito desiludido, pois a embalagem veio com uma quantidade exagerada de caule, o aroma da embalagem não era intenso e perfumado e ao produzir o chá o mesmo era claro e mesmo aumentando à dosagem não obtenho os mesmos resultados da primeira encomenda, o sabor é pouco fresco e pouco aromático. Recomendo que tenham mais atenção a essa questão e que tentem equilibrar, porque o caule não tem a mesma propriedade das folhas e flores e se vier em excesso o chá fica sem qualidade.

Elena Fernandez Mateos
Te de corteza de granada

Todo perfecto. Muy rápida recepción del pedido y te de altísima calidad. Repetiré.

Elizabeth Vance
Combatir problemas estomacales

En infusión 20 min antes de las comidas me va bien para la acidez y malas digestiones.

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