Yellow Uxi, Bark (Endopleura uchi)


Fibroids | Uterus | Infertility

69 Items
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Yellow Uxi Herbal Tea

Ingredients: 100% Uxi Yellow in bark (Endopleura uchi)

Origin: Brazil

The Yellow Uxi, scientific name "Endopleura uchi", is a medicinal plant originally from the Amazon in Brazil. Yellow Uxi is used frequently as a food supplement, even to treat inflammation in the uterus, bladder, and arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, diuretic, and immunostimulating properties. These properties result from the presence of bergenin in its composition, which may contribute to the treatment of uterine and urinary problems such as myoma, uterine cysts, urinary infections, endometriosis, and menstrual dysregulation due to polycystic ovary syndrome.

Enriched with tannins, coumarins, and saponins (plant substances), Yellow Uxi is known as the plant that promotes fertility due to its effectiveness in treating endometriosis cysts and curing polycystic ovaries. It is frequently consumed by the native people of the Amazon and indigenous people due to its action in the fight against female infertility. The Yellow Uxi may also improve the gastritis symptoms even as the control of bad cholesterol. Also, it reduces fluid retention.

Water temperature: 100º

Infusion time: 10 minutes

Method of preparation: put a tablespoon of Yellow Uxi in half a litter of water. Let it boil for 3 to 4 minutes. After this boil, remove from the heat, cover, and let it rest for about 10 minutes. Finally, just strain and it's ready to drink. Do not add any sugar or sweetener to enjoy 100% of the properties of Yellow Uxi Tea.

Recommended quantity: two to three cups per day. It is recommended to drink half a litter of Yellow Uxi Tea in the afternoon. In addition, it should be taken after the first day of menstruation until the first fertile day. Your intake should be stopped within the next month.

Warnings: the consumption of Yellow Uxi Tea is not recommended for pregnant women due to its probable influence on their health, even on the formation of the fetus. In addition, it should be avoided by nursing mothers and children.

Curiosities: you can consume the mix of Yellow Uxi Teas and Cat's Claw as a natural solution to treat fibroids, polycystic ovaries, urinary infections, and gastric ulcers. Its effectiveness is notorious, especially in the treatment of fibroids.

NOTE: These images were made in our company, the type of cut and the dimensions of the plant may vary from supply to supply or time of year.

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This was my second order from Chás do Mundo. The product is first quality. They shipped quickly. Very good customer service. I\'m very happy with my choice. Thank you.

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Customer Reviews

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Ana de Almeida

Um bom chá e que espero que me faça bem. :)

Sargº Chefe Analídio da Costa Silva

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5 Estrelas

5 Estrelas


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Ana Jesus
Rapidez e eficácia

Envio muito rápido e tudo bem acondicionado

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