Plantain Tea leaves (Plantago major)

Plantain Herbal Tea leaves (Plantago major)


Diarrhea | Bactericide | Febrifugal

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Plantain Tea leaves

Get rid of colds and strengthen your defences. A powerful natural tea packed with vitamin C. Tries it!

Ingredients: 100% Plantain Leaf (Plantago major).

Taste: Slightly bitter.


Plantain or “Plantago major is one of the types of plantain existing in the world of the genus Plantago of the Plantaginaceae family. Plantain is a broadleaf plant that grows annually in moist soil (rich in nutrients) and is exposed to sunlight. Plantain originated from Europe and contains a high quantity of calcium, essential for our well-being and soil nutrition. On average, one plant can produce about 14,000 seeds a year. More than 150 species of Plantain will have been confirmed. Although it is predominant in Brazil, Plantain reproduces in several tropical regions in the world. It is generally considered a weed because of its rapid spread in soils.

Plantain Tea can help relieve insect bites, urinary infections, toothaches, and hoarseness. It may also contribute to the healing of wounds and burns. In cooking, Plantain leaves are recognized as PANC with a light aroma. The use of leaves is quite common in soups, fresh salads, natural juices and stews. In India, Plantain is one of the most used healing plants in alternative treatments for various health problems.

Therapeutic indications: colds, throat clearing (suitable for smokers), catarrh, diarrhoea, heart issues and thrombosis.

Water temperature: 100º

Infusion time: 5 to 10 minutes.

Recommended quantity: 1 dessert spoon for each cup of tea. You can consume up to 3 cups daily (morning, afternoon, and evening).

Preparation: Place 3 tablespoons in a container in a litter (1L) of boiled water. Then cover it and let it infuse for 5 to 10 minutes. Finally, strain it, let it cool down a bit, and you can consume it immediately.

NOTE: The images presented were made in our company, however, the type of cut and dimensions of the plant may vary from supply to supply or time of year.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 430 reviews
Pedro Paulino
Insulina Vegetal

Ótimo sabor,muito agradável ao beber.
Em conjunto com uma dieta alimentar, têm efeitos práticos no control dos açúcares no sangue.

Simão Vieira
Muito caule

Na primeira compra da planta Cardo Mariano, a qualidade foi excelente. Desde a abertura do pacote até à realização do chá, o saco vinha bem composto com folhas e flores, tinha uma aroma intenso e perfumado, a cor do chá era escura e o sabor bastante aromático e fresco, fazia um chá de muita qualidade. Nesta segunda encomenda, encomendei mais 500g e fiquei muito desiludido, pois a embalagem veio com uma quantidade exagerada de caule, o aroma da embalagem não era intenso e perfumado e ao produzir o chá o mesmo era claro e mesmo aumentando à dosagem não obtenho os mesmos resultados da primeira encomenda, o sabor é pouco fresco e pouco aromático. Recomendo que tenham mais atenção a essa questão e que tentem equilibrar, porque o caule não tem a mesma propriedade das folhas e flores e se vier em excesso o chá fica sem qualidade.

Elena Fernandez Mateos
Te de corteza de granada

Todo perfecto. Muy rápida recepción del pedido y te de altísima calidad. Repetiré.

Elizabeth Vance
Combatir problemas estomacales

En infusión 20 min antes de las comidas me va bien para la acidez y malas digestiones.

José Luís matos da silva Silva

Espinheira Santa, planta (Maytenus ilicifolia)

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