Herbal Tea for Blood Pressure


Olive | Rosemary | Lavender

90 Items

Herbal Tea for Blood Pressure

Get to know Herbal Tea for Blood Pressure, a formula of medicinal plants that can contribute to the balance of blood pressure. Get yours and share your experience!

Ingredients: 20% Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna L.), 20% Olive leaves (Olea europaea L.), 15% Rosemary leaves (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), 15% Lavender flowers (Lavandula officinalis L.), 15% Periwinkle flowers (Vinca difformis L.) and 15% White Willow peel (Salix alba L.).


Olive – The olive tree is a mythical tree of the Oleaceae family of slow growth, predominant in Portugal. This tree is known for its religious symbolism and the fact that it has survived for several hundred years. According to historical records, the famous “Olive of Mouchão” is considered the oldest existing in Portugal at about 3350 years. This olive tree has 3 meters in height, and it's located in Cascalhos (Mouriscas, Abrantes). This tree has deep roots that can reach 6 meters, facilitating the absorption of nutrients present in the soil. Olive leaves are pointed and quite resistant to weather changes.

Regarding medicinal properties, olive leaves can promote good digestion and venous relaxation. They may also contribute to the treatment of gastritis and ulcers, even as the reduction of blood glucose.

Rosemary – Scientifically named “Rosmarinus Officinalis”, rosemary is an aromatic shrub that does not need to be sown, as it grows easily in gardens. In Greek Antiquity, rosemary was used to improve cognitive functions. According to these, rosemary helped them to activate the mind, aiding in memory. In addition to being used in celebrations, for symbolizing love and immortality. The Latin term “Ros Marinus” translates into the expression “Dew of the Sea”. This designation was given because rosemary grows well on the Mediterranean slopes, flooding them with its bluish flowers.

As for medicinal properties, rosemary leaves may contribute to the balance of blood pressure through their anti-inflammatory potential. This natural ingredient can improve blood circulation, favoured by its performance in blood purification. In addition, rosemary leaves can help reduce muscle and headache pain, even as gas. They may also promote the treatment of respiratory problems.

For hundreds of years, rosemary has been used to purify the air and ward off bad energy.

Water temperature: 100º

Infusion time: 5 to 10 minutes.

Recommended quantity: 2 cups during main meals and at bedtime.

Preparation: Place in a container, 2 tablespoons in one litter (1L) of boiled water. Then cover it and let it infuse for 5 to 10 minutes. Finally, filter, and you can consume, hot or cold.

Store in a cool (max. 20º) and dry (max. 60% humidity) place.

Warnings: It cannot be consumed by pregnant women and breastfeeding women. Excessive use may cause gastric and intestinal discomfort. For best results, it is recommended to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Our medicinal formulas are based on ancestral knowledge and experience with editorial bibliographic foundations. However, they undergo minor adjustments so that the mixtures are up-to-date and sophisticated, both in terms of taste and therapeutic effects.

NOTE: The images shown were taken in our company, however, the type of cut and dimensions of the plant may vary from supply to supply or time of year.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 506 reviews
Cláudia Marina Mendes Ferreira

Uxi Amarelo + Unha de Gato

Evanilsa Manuel da Costa
Concordo estrela

Qualidade dos produtos é eficiencia nos serviços de entrega.

Cátia Carvalho

Espinheira Santa, planta (Maytenus ilicifolia)


honnetement trés satisfait de l'expédition, est de la qualité du produit.

Hiltrud Litzka-Huber
Artemisia annua

I have been drinking this tea regularly for years to strengthen my immune system. With success.

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