Masala Chai: the Authentic Indian Spiced Milk Tea

Masala Chai is an intense drink of Indian origin that incorporates the strong cardamom flavour in most recipes. The Masala Chai is remembered by tourists through the expression “Chai garam chai” present in train stations in India. More than a hot tea, the Masala Chai is a portrait of Indian Culture inspired by Ayurvedic Medicine.

This Indian drink was inspired by the English infusions with black tea, milk, and sugar. The Masala Chai was created as an energy-boosting drink for workers.

Find out more about Masala Chai, the Authentic Indian Spiced Milk Tea. Also, find out about 3 homemade Masala Chai Latte recipes. Be happy!


Origen of Masala Chai

Masala Chai is a traditional Indian drink with spices (not ground), milk, and black tea, quite common in Indian markets. This blend results from the mix of cardamom berries, black pepper, ginger (fresh), cloves and aniseed in milk with black tea and brown sugar. However, the formula of Masala Chai is distinct from region to region in India. Some traditional Masala Chai Latte recipes may contain fennel, coriander seeds, saffron and mint leaves.

In India, Masala Chai street sellers known as “chai wallahs” serve this hot drink in clay or glass cups. According to Indian culture, a good Masala Chai has to be made from quality ingredients. In other words, each spice must be glowing when it is introduced into the blend, otherwise, needs to be shredded to extract the essential oils. Regarding caffeine, Masala Chai may contain the same quantity as coffee, enhanced by boiling the mix with Black Tea (such as Assam).

Although the original recipe of Masala Chai is made with brown sugar, it is common to use other sugars (such as coconut sugar) in some rural areas of India. So is the use of condensed milk.

Masala Chai recipes

Homemade Masala Chai Latte (for two people)


  • 3 Cardamom seeds;
  • 1 tablespoon of Black Tea;
  • Half of a teaspoon of Black Pepper;
  • 5 units of Cloves;
  • 1 Cinnamon stick;
  • 480 ml of Water;
  • 1 whole piece of Star Anise;
  • 1 piece of natural Ginger;
  • 180 ml Whole Milk;
  • 2 Tablespoons Brown Sugar.

How to prepare: 

  • 1 – Ginger preparation – Start by removing the skin from the ginger with the help of a coffee spoon. Scrape well and then cut eight thin slices;
  • 2 – Mix ingredients – Take a pan, pour 480 ml of water and add the following ingredients: cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, star anise, black pepper, brown sugar, and cloves;
  • 3 – Boil the mix – Bring the mixture to a boil with the pan uncovered. When it reaches boiling point, cover the pan a little and leave to infuse for 8 to 10 minutes;
  • 4 – Add the ingredients – After the infusion time, you can add 1 teaspoon of Black Tea (equivalent to 3 tea bags) and the whole milk. Let it boil again (low heat) for 4 to 5 minutes. Finally, remove from heat and prepare a glass jug to strain the mix. Remember that it is important that the jug has a capacity of over 550 ml and does it with the help of a strainer;
  • 5 – Serve the hot Masala Chai in cups or glasses.


Masala Chai Latte with bay leaf (for four people)


  • 5 crushed Cardamom Units;
  • 2 Bay leaves;
  • 1 litre of Water;
  • 3 tablespoons of Black Tea;
  • 1 teaspoon powdered Ginger;
  • 480 ml Plant Milk;
  • 6 tablespoons of Brown Sugar;
  • 2 Cinnamon sticks;
  • 1 teaspoonful of Anise seeds;
  • 4 Cloves.

How to prepare:

  • 1 – Mix of ingredients – Take a pot, pour 1 litre of cold water and add the following ingredients: ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, bay leaf, anise seeds and cloves;
  • 2 – Boil the mix – Bring the mixture to a boil with the pan uncovered. When it reaches boiling point, cover the pan and leave to infuse for 8 to 10 minutes;
  • 3 – Add ingredients – Add brown sugar and whole milk when the infusion time is over. Let it boil again for 4 to 5 minutes. Finally, remove from heat, add the black tea and leave to infuse for another 5 minutes;
  • 4 – Prepare a recipient to proceed to mix with more than 1 litre and do it with s strainer. Serve your Masala Chai in cups or glasses.


Simple Masala Chai Recipe

Ingredients (for two persons):

  • 720 ml of Water;
  • 6 to 7 tablespoons of Brown Sugar;
  • 1 piece of natural Ginger;
  • 8 teaspoons Black Tea;
  • 480 ml Plant Milk;
  • 8 Cardamom Units.

How to prepare:

  • 1 – Ginger preparation – Start by removing the skin from the ginger with the help of a coffee spoon. Scrape well and then cut 8 thin slices on a cutting board. You may choose to grind 4 thick slices of ginger and cardamom;
  • 2 – Boil mix – Take a saucepan, pour 720 ml cold water and add the ginger slices with the cardamom or the crushed mix. Bring to a boil over low heat with the pan uncovered. When it boils, add the black tea, cover the pan and leave to infuse for 3 minutes;
  • 3- Add the ingredients – Add the brown sugar and 480 ml of milk after infusion. Finally, mix the ingredients well over low heat and let simmer for a few minutes;
  • 4 – Prepare a recipient to proceed to mix with more than 1 litre and do it with s strainer. Serve your Masala Chai in cups or glasses.

You can prepare each of the recipes with animal milk, however, plant milk is an ideal option for lactose intolerant or vegans. Have fun and be happy with Masala Chai :)

Chás do Mundo

"A Somantis, Unip. Lda é uma empresa fundada em 2005 e que atua no ramo alimentar, com especial incidência na importação e exportação de chás, plantas medicinais, acessórios, especiarias e produtos biológicos diversos. A nossa empresa faz-se representar pela marca "Chás do Mundo ®" que apresenta uma vasta gama de chás de elevada qualidade, onde conta com mais de 2000 variedades disponíveis, entre chás ortodoxos ou blends de diversas tipologias como o chá verde, chá branco, chá preto, chá vermelho, chá oolong, rooibos, plantas medicinais, tisanas, misturas de frutas, chás em saquetas simples, biológicos e de comércio justo."

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