Red Tea Pu Erh Pink Purple


Roses and Jasmine

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Red Tea Pu Erh Pink Purple

Our Red Tea Pu Erh Pink Purple is composed of a blend with aromas of rose petals and jasmine flowers. Enjoy an inspiring infusion full of eccentricity and sensuality. Tell us about your experience!

Ingredients: Pu Erh (88%), rose petals and jasmine flowers.

Pu Erh Flavour: Earthy, mineral, and slightly aromatic.

Contains caffeine: Yes

Origin of Pu Erh: Pu'er County, Yunnan, in China.


Pu Erh - Pu Erh, Pu-Erh or Puerh is a natural and fermented tea originating in the Yunnan region of China. Its production has been going on for over 1700 years, going through a specific fermentation process performed by microorganisms. The sensory experience in consuming this tea based on Pu Erh is getting over the years, unlike most teas. Therefore, the older it is, the better its characteristics and properties will be. And this is how this tea will change its initially heavy and bitter flavour to a slightly earthy and aromatic flavour.

Like wine, the Pu Erh is consumed compact a few years after the leaves are harvested to cause a post-fermentation in a controlled manner. To transform into an aged tea with rich properties. However, it can be consumed in a younger state. Pu Erh contains a low percentage of theine and is often used for weight loss and antioxidants. The name "Pu Erh" will be directly related to the production of the leaves, which is done in Pu'er County in China. However, Pu Erh tea is also produced in Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Sichuan, and Guangxi provinces.

Consumption of Pu Erh in tea may facilitate digestion and lower cholesterol, even warming the body. It can also act as a depurative and antidepressant.

Water temperature: 90º to 100º.

Infusion time: 2 to 4 minutes.

Recommended quantity: 1 teaspoon of tea per cup (250ml). Approximately 2gr.

Preparation: place the quantity of tea you intend to use in the infusion in a container. Then add boiled water over this quantity and let it rest, covering the container. After resting, it will be ready to consume.

Store in a cool, dry place.

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