Tisane Aphrodisiac - Tea

Aphrodisiac Herbal Tea

Aphrodisiac | Stimulant | Impotence

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Aphrodisiac Herbal Tea

Enjoy a 100% Aphrodisiac Herbal Tea packed with stimulant, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral and antihypertensive properties. Tell us about your experience!

Ingredients: Catuaba, Marapuama, Damiana and Ginkgo Biloba.


Catuaba - Rich in stimulating and aphrodisiac properties, Catuaba is a common medicinal plant in Brazil and is used as an aphrodisiac. Consumption of Catuaba can help fight impotence, fatigue, lack of memory and sexual weakness. It can be used to stimulate sexual desire and increase libido in men and women. It contributes to the stimulation of blood flow, thus promoting erection prolongation. Even as increased sexual arousal.

According to some studies, this aphrodisiac plant may also contain antiviral and antihypertensive properties. The latter may help properly function the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Marapuama - Is a medicinal plant used as a natural aphrodisiac in South America. While in Europe, it is used to treat dysentery, stress, fatigue, depression and poor memory. In Brazil, it is used to fight cellulite. The consumption of Marapuama can help treat sexual impotence, rheumatism, anemia, body swelling, lack of energy and gastrointestinal weakness. Marapuama contains stimulant and aphrodisiac properties.

Damiana - Is a plant native to some subtropical countries in Central and South America and even Africa. For hundreds of years, this plant has been used as a natural solution for treating urinary tract infections.

Damiana can help fight sexual impotence and infertility. In the case of women, it can prevent vaginal frigidity by promoting natural lubrication and helping with hormonal stability in menopause. The consumption of Damiana tea should help you fight prostate infections and even control diarrhea. This nutritional plant can be used as a complementary natural solution to reduce headaches and stomachaches. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, this tea will possibly help you in relieving muscle pain (rheumatic) and menstrual cramps. It can act as a natural tranquilizer against stress and anxiety.

Ginkgo Biloba - Is a medicinal plant with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Its consumption can contribute to the improvement of blood circulation and cognitive functions. The possibility of Ginkgo Biloba's contribution to blood oxygenation may promote the treatment of situations such as lack of memory, dizziness and cerebral ischemia. Consumption of Ginkgo Biloba in tea can help improve concentration, and blood circulation, and even reduce anxiety.

Infusion temperature: 100º

Infusion time: 15 minutes

Method of preparation: put 2 tablespoons of tisane in half a liter of water (500 ml) previously boiled. Cover it and let it rest for about 15 minutes. Finally, strain, and you can consume it immediately, hot or cold.

Recommend quantity: 3 to 4 cups daily and for at least 15 to 30 days.

Warnings: The consumption of this natural formula should be cautious due to its constituents. The presence of Catuaba imposes the need to avoid taking it simultaneously with antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and antidepressants. People suffering from hypertension, depression and cardiovascular problems should pay special attention.

NOTE: The images shown were made in our company, however, the type of cut and dimensions of the plant may vary from supply to supply or time of year.

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