Indian Chestnut Tea - Aesculus hippocastanum

Indian Chestnut Tea (Aesculus hippocastanum)


Circulation | Varicose Veins | Tired Legs

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Indian Chestnut Tea

Horse Chestnut Tea is a natural activator of blood circulation. By acting against venous insufficiency, the Horse Chestnut helps to relieve the pain of varicose veins and treats haemorrhoids. It's good for those with swollen, heavy and tired legs.

Ingredients: 100% Horse Chestnut, fruit (Aesculus hippocastanum).

Benefits of Horse Chestnut Tea:

Horse Chestnut Tea is a natural tea with anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory properties that promote good blood circulation. It is one of the most recommended teas to treat haemorrhoids and relieve leg swelling. Horse Chestnut tea fights venous insufficiency and acts as a natural analgesic to relieve pain caused by poor blood circulation. Horse Chestnut will assist in accelerating skin healing. Besides being an excellent ally against inflammations, Horse Chestnut tea can reduce fluid retention.

This medicinal tea is also indicated for the following cases: varicocele, varicose veins, arthritis, arthrosis, dermatitis and menstrual cramps.


Horse Chestnut is a fruit produced by a tree from Southwest Europe that can reach a height equal to or greater than 25 meters. “Aesculus hippocastanum” is a tree quite common in countries belonging to the Balkan Peninsula, such as Albania and Bulgaria. It reached Europe only in the 16th century. Each hedgehog can produce one or more chestnuts. When used in infusion, it promotes the resolution of disorders that affect blood circulation.

Water temperature: 90º to 100º.

Infusion time: 3 to 5 minutes

Recommended quantity: 2 dessert spoons of Horse Chestnut for each cup of tea (250 ml). For 1L (1000 ml) of tea, use four tablespoons of Horse Chestnut. It is recommended 1 cup of tea before lunch, and another before dinner.

How to prepare Indian Chestnut Tea: place two dessert spoons in 250ml of boiled water in a container. Then cover it and let it infuse for 3 to 5 minutes. Finally, strain and let cool until lukewarm.

Warnings: Horse Chestnut should be avoided by pregnant women or babies, as well as by anyone with hypersensitivity to the active principles of this plant.

Store in a dry, cool and dark place.

NOTE: The image shown was made in our company, however, the type of cut and dimensions of the plant may vary from supply to supply or time of year.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 454 reviews

All perfect! I’ll shop again ;)

Filipa Alexandra Heitor Ludovino
Uxi Amarelo + Unha de Gato

Gostei do facto de o envio não ter levado praticamente tempo nenhum. Em relação ao chá, vinha bastante bem embalado, só é um pouco difícil de beber sem açúcar mas faço um esforço para obter melhores resultados. Também adorei o facto de vir toda a informação no pacote do chá, as dosagens por litro e como fazer. Com certeza encomendarei mais em breve, muito obrigada

Carlos de Sousa
Tisana Próstata

As ervas medicinais são de boa qualidade.

Elaine S. Reis
Chá muito bom!

O produto demorou um pouco para ser entregue, mas chegou bem embaladinho. O chá é muito bom!

Paulo Silva

Tisana Medicinal Ácido Úrico

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