Apple Cinnamon Fruit Tea

Apple Cinnamon Fruit Tea


Chamomile | Apple | Cinnamon

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Apple Cinnamon Fruit Tea

Dare to taste this wonderful mix of traditional Portuguese flavours and aromas, where apple and cinnamon merge in a delicious infusion of theine-free fruit. Try it and tell us your experience!

Ingredients: apple, hibiscus, orange peels, cinnamon pieces, chrysanthemums with natural aromas of apple and cinnamon.


Apple - is originally from Kazakhstan. Proof of this is the name given to its capital "Alma Ata" which translated corresponds to the expression "Full of Apples". Only in 1500 BC that its seeds spread across the European continent. Many varieties of apples it was created through their cultivation in British territory. Currently, there will be close to 8,000 varieties of apples around the world. Apple consumption can treat constipation and promote the proper functioning of the stomach. In addition, it can contribute to reducing cholesterol through its action to eliminate harmful toxins in the body.

Hibiscus - scientifically called "Hibiscus L." the hibiscus is a plant belonging to the Malvaceae family with about 300 species. However, only a few of these species are edible, as is the case of the popular Hibiscus sabdariffa used in the preparation of hibiscus tea. Most species are used as ornamental plants in gardens. The origin of hibiscus is unknown but it is believed that it started its first production in Asia and East Africa. And later, it will have spread across Europe.

Rich in mineral salts and vitamins from the A, B and C complex, the hibiscus has a high amount of essential nutrients for the normal function body. Usually, it is used natural or dehydrated in the preparation of many culinary dishes from sauces to salads. Due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties, hibiscus contributes to good digestion and reduction of abdominal bloating through its purifying action. In addition, it helps in strengthening defences and muscle relaxation. It also contains benefits for cognitive, renal and intestinal functions.

In Greco-Roman and Egyptian mythologies, hibiscus represents the female universe directly related to the goddesses Aphrodite, Venus and Isis. There are many myths, legends, and traditions surrounding this flower, including in Tahiti, where young women identify their love status through the position of the hibiscus in the ears. According to this tradition, women who have placed hibiscus in the corner of their right ear are available to find a mate. Otherwise, they will have already found you. The hibiscus flower is still used to offer to tourists as a welcome gesture to the country.

Water temperature: 100º

Infusion time: 3 to 5 minutes.

Recommended quantity: 1 teaspoon per person. Approximately 4grs per cup.

Method of preparation: place 1 teaspoon in a litre (1L) of previously boiled water in a container. Cover it and let it rest for 3 to 5 minutes. Finally, strain and the tea is ready to drink, hot or cold.

Store in a dry (max. 20º) and cool (max. 60% humidity) place.

Learn how to prepare your cold tea:

Put two tablespoons of tea in 1.5L of boiled water, let it cool and then put it in the fridge. If you want to add sugar to your tea, you should do so while it is hot. For a healthier option, add 1 tablespoon of stevia (don't steep it for longer than 3 minutes as your drink will be too sweet). This way, you get an ICE TEA without no added sugars or artificial preservatives.

NOTE: The image shown was made in our company, only the type of cut and dimensions of the ingredients of the mixture may vary slightly from batch to batch.

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A delicate tea; the cinnamon is not too overpowering which is how I prefer it. I will get this one again.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Cristina Valente

Entrega rápida e Chás muito aromáticos

manuela almeida

Chás de qualidade! Todo o processo de entrega correu muito bem.

Carlos Manuel Ramos

Chá de Frutas Maçã e Canela

Marta Dinis

Chá de Frutas Maçã e Canela

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