Aroeira Mastic Herbal Tea (Pistacia lentiscus L.)
Mastic | Natural Almacigo Tea

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Aroeira Mastic Herbal Tea
Ingredients: 100% Pistacia lentiscus leaves.
The tea results from the bark and leaves that are collected from the medicinal plant called "Aroeira". Like Baleeira tea, it can be applied through previously wet compresses to relieve muscle inflammation and to heal bruises on the skin. Its effectiveness may be notorious when used to combat female urinary and vaginal infections, as well as in the treatment of fever. In the case of the infections mentioned above, it is recommended to use a sitz bath. Aroeira leaves are very effective in stopping diarrhea thanks to their high tannin content. Another version of Aroeira is in essential oil.
In the history of folk medicine, Aroeira leaves are known for their medicinal properties that are astringent, anti-hemorrhagic, and anti-inflammatory. Mastic tea can be consumed as a drink but can also be gargled to treat gum infections. This tea may have the ability to strengthen the immune system, help the health of your skin, and gradually reduce your wrinkles. In addition, it is great for people who suffer from anxiety and stress, promoting relaxation as well as body relaxation. Thus, the probability of having insomnia is very low.
Dosage: 15grs per liter of boiled water
Water temperature: 100º
Infusion time: 10 minutes
Curiosities: During the Middle Ages and even during the 19th century. In the 17th century, lentils resin was even used in Portugal in the confection of mezinhas to help with toothache, nervous stomach, gastric reflux, throat inflammation, vomiting, gout, catarrh, and lupias. Its leaves and branches are rich in tannins and, thanks to its astringent nature, have been widely used in oral and stomach treatments. It was also used in traditional medicine as a decongestant.
Warnings: This plant should be avoided by pregnant women, babies, or anyone with hypersensitivity to its chemical components without prior medical advice.
Note: The image shown was realized in our company, however, the type of cut and dimensions of the plant may vary from supply to supply or time of year.