Uva Ursi - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

Uva Ursi Herbal Tea (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)


Kidney Stones | Urinary tract | Prostate

98 Items
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Uva Ursi Leaves

Did you know that, on average, at least 80% of women experience a urinary tract infection in life? Although this type of infection is more common in women, it can occur in men as young as 50 years old. For several years now, Uva Ursina Herbal Tea has been recognised as one of the best natural remedies for treating urinary tract infections.

Ingredients: 100% Uva Ursina, leaves (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi).

What is Uva Ursina Herbal Tea good for

Uva Ursina Herbal Tea is one of the most recommended teas for treating urinary tract infections. It has beneficial anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties to treat throat inflammation, vaginitis, urethritis, kidney stones, pyelitis, vaginal discharge, and gallstones. You can also take Uva Ursina Herbal Tea to balance blood pressure, relax muscles and reduce fluid retention. Use it as a detox tea.

Other uses: prostate problems, diarrhoea, dysentery, low immunity, arthritis, abdominal swelling, dry cough, headaches, and burning skin.


The Uva Ursina also known as Bear Grape or Bearberry is a shrub full of reddish fruits much appreciated by bears. The first records of this plant appear in the 13th century (13). Although it grows in many regions of the world, the Uva Ursina is a plant that thrives in low temperatures. You can therefore easily find it in countries such as Iceland, Italy (Alps), and even on the beautiful island of Greenland. In Germany, it is one of the protected plant species.

In Europe, the Uva Ursina leaves are harvested in autumn.

Water temperature: 100º

Infusion time: 5 to 10 minutes.

Recommended quantity: 2 tablespoons of Uva Ursina Leaves per litre (1000ml).

Dosage: 3 to 4 cups of tea a day, outside of meals.

How to prepare: place 2 tablespoons of Uva Ursina in a pan with 1 litre of boiled water. Cover and leave to infuse for 5 to 10 minutes. Finally, strain and allow to cool slightly before drinking. For best results, practise a healthy lifestyle.

Store in a cool, dry place away from light.

Warnings: This plant should be avoided by pregnant women or toddlers, even by anyone with hypersensitivity to the plant's active ingredients.

NOTE: The image shown is only a suggested presentation, and the type of cut and dimensions of the plant may vary in the supply or time of year, keeping all the quality, functionalities, and properties of the tea unchanged.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 429 reviews
Simão Vieira
Muito caule

Na primeira compra da planta Cardo Mariano, a qualidade foi excelente. Desde a abertura do pacote até à realização do chá, o saco vinha bem composto com folhas e flores, tinha uma aroma intenso e perfumado, a cor do chá era escura e o sabor bastante aromático e fresco, fazia um chá de muita qualidade. Nesta segunda encomenda, encomendei mais 500g e fiquei muito desiludido, pois a embalagem veio com uma quantidade exagerada de caule, o aroma da embalagem não era intenso e perfumado e ao produzir o chá o mesmo era claro e mesmo aumentando à dosagem não obtenho os mesmos resultados da primeira encomenda, o sabor é pouco fresco e pouco aromático. Recomendo que tenham mais atenção a essa questão e que tentem equilibrar, porque o caule não tem a mesma propriedade das folhas e flores e se vier em excesso o chá fica sem qualidade.

Elena Fernandez Mateos
Te de corteza de granada

Todo perfecto. Muy rápida recepción del pedido y te de altísima calidad. Repetiré.

Elizabeth Vance
Combatir problemas estomacales

En infusión 20 min antes de las comidas me va bien para la acidez y malas digestiones.

José Luís matos da silva Silva

Espinheira Santa, planta (Maytenus ilicifolia)

Jamilda fatumata correia jandi Correia jandi

Uxi Amarelo + Unha de Gato

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