Kombucha: the tea-based drink you can make at home

Kombucha is a fermented drink made from black or green tea, sugar and a colony of bacteria and yeasts. It’s an ancient drink that originated in China and has been consumed for centuries in Asia. It spread to the rest of Europe from Russia, and from Europe to the rest of the Western world.

In recent years, kombucha has gained popularity in the Western world due to its health benefits. It is usually made at home.

Shall we learn how to make kombucha?

kombucha, benefícios do kombucha, como fazer kombucha, receitas de kombucha, chá verde, chá preto, fruta, chás do mundo, scoby,

What is kombucha?

Kombucha is a fizzy, acidic drink with a flavour reminiscent of apple cider vinegar. It is made from the fermentation that takes place between tea, sugar, and something called SCOBY. SCOBY stands for Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast.

SCOBY is a colony of bacteria and yeasts that leads to the fermentation of tea. During fermentation, the SCOBY consumes the sugar and produces carbon dioxide, ethanol and acetic acid. It is these compounds that make Kombucha such a unique and beneficial drink.

Kombucha typically has an alcohol content of less than 0.5 per cent, although there are processes to increase this. It is often marketed as an alternative to beer or other alcoholic drinks, especially in restaurants and pubs.

Health benefits

Kombucha is a drink rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Studies suggest that kombucha can offer a number of health benefits, including:

  • Probiotics: kombucha contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria for the gut. Probiotics can help improve digestion, increase nutrient absorption and strengthen the immune system.
  • Antioxidants: Kombucha contains antioxidants that can help protect cells from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a risk factor for chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. They also help reduce blood cholesterol levels.
  • Improves mood: kombucha contains compounds that can help improve mood and reduce stress.

How to make kombucha at home

Making kombucha at home is relatively simple. It is extremely important that you wash your hands and the utensils you will use to prepare the kombucha very well. As it is a bacteria-dependent process, contamination can spoil the drink.

You’ll need the following ingredients to make simple kombucha:


  1. Boil the tea and let it become lukewarm.
  2. Add the sugar and stir until dissolved.
  3. Add the SCOBY to the tea and mix.
  4. Transfer the tea to the glass container and cover.
  5. Leave the kombucha to ferment at room temperature for 7 to 10 days, away from light and in an airy place.
  6. After fermentation, strain the kombucha and store in the fridge for up to 5 days.

A new kombucha colony will form on top of the first one. You can store it or give it to someone else. Both colonies are reusable.

kombucha, benefícios do kombucha, como fazer kombucha, receitas de kombucha, chá verde, chá preto, fruta, chás do mundo, scoby,


Kombucha recipes

In addition to traditional kombucha, there are many recipes you can try. Here are some ideas:

Fruit kombucha

Add fresh or dried fruit to kombucha during fermentation to obtain fruity kombucha. Some popular fruits for kombucha include strawberry, raspberry, lemon, orange, and grape.

  • 1 litre black or green tea
  • 100ML fruit juice OR chopped fruit
  • 100g Sugar
  • 1 SCOBY
  • 1 Glass container with a lid

The process is the same as for normal Kombucha, just adding the fruit at the fermentation stage.

Hibiscus kombucha

Add hibiscus to the kombucha during fermentation to obtain a kombucha rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.

  • 1 litre black or green tea
  • 2 tablespoons of hibiscus
  • 100g Sugar
  • 1 SCOBY
  • 1 Glass container with a lid

The process is the same as for normal Kombucha, only adding the hibiscus during the fermentation phase.

Spice kombucha

Add spices to kombucha during fermentation to obtain more exotic and richer kombucha. Some popular spices for kombucha include ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom.

  • 1 litre black or green tea
  • 10g of the desired spice/spice blend
  • 100g Sugar
  • 1 SCOBY
  • 1 Glass container with a lid

The process is the same as for normal Kombucha, only adding the spices during the fermentation phase.

Coffee Kombucha

Use coffee instead of tea to make kombucha. The process is the same as for traditional kombucha. The bitterness of the coffee combines with the SCOBY in a unique blend.

  • 500 litres of prepared instant coffee
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 SCOBY
  • 1 Glass container with a lid

Brew the instant coffee as usual, then leave to cool. When cold, add the SCOBY and sugar and leave to ferment for 3 days.

Ideal quantity of ingredients per litre:

  • Ginger: 15gr (2 to 3 slices)
  • Turmeric: 10gr
  • Cinnamon: 8gr (2 to 3 sticks)
  • Apple pieces: 40 to 50gr
  • Dehydrated apple: 20gr
  • Blueberry: 6 to 7 blueberries
  • Lemon: 50 ml juice + peel
  • Orange: 100 ml juice + lemon peel
  • Pineapple chunks: 50gr
  • Hibiscus: 3gr (2 to 3 flowers)
  • Cloves: 1gr
  • Peppermint: 1gr (1 leaf)


Kombucha is a delicious and healthy drink that can offer a range of health benefits. It can be drunk up to 3 times a day, in doses of around 120ml, at any time, as an alternative to juices and alcoholic drinks. As a fizzy drink, it easily replaces soft drinks. It can also be drunk on an empty stomach or after sports activities.

If you’re looking for a refreshing and nutritious drink, kombucha is a great option.

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