Black Tea Bouquet of Roses

Black Tea Bouquet of Roses

Rose Black Tea | Aromatic

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Black Tea Bouquet of Roses

Let yourself be inspired by our aromatic Black Tea Bouquet of Roses! A true blend, full of colours that combine the sensuality of roses with intense Black Tea.

Ingredients: Black Tea with Rose Petals and natural rose aromas.

Origin of Black Tea

Black tea is a blend of the oldest leaves of one of the Camellia sinensis bushes. Compared to other teas, black tea has a higher percentage of oxidation. This difference will give black tea a more intense flavour. After harvesting, the green leaves go through an osmosis process lasting up to 20 hours. Later, they are rolled by hand or by machines. It is at this stage that the tea leaves start their oxidation process. Finally, the leaves are left to dry naturally.

Due to the high caffeine content, Black Tea can influence the increase of body energy and the unbalancing of the nervous system. Choose to consume it during the day, naturally and without added sugar. Take it to reduce fatigue, lose weight and relieve poor digestion. Black Tea may stimulate body energy for 4 to 6 hours.


Rose – Always associated with Western culture, the rose is a flower that brings freshness, colour, and positivity. According to scientific studies, the first Wild Roses will have developed in Asian gardens over 4000 years ago. Hence, the existence of more than thirty thousand Rose species. In the Middle Ages, affixing a Rose to the ceiling in an interior living space was customary. Although it was a decorative element, its use conveyed that whatever was shared between people was confidential. Later, this idea was leveraged into the famous Rose Paintings on classical monuments of royalty.

In France, Empress Josephine (a lover of Roses) was responsible for planting Rose bushes in different regions of the country. Today, Roses define Parisian culture, the city of love. And it is because the Rose is one of the most used flowers in the world as a proof of love and admiration between couples, family, and friends. Interestingly, the first Christian rosaries are said to have been made with Rose petals due to their connection with the Virgin Mary.

Rose petals are still used in cooking and cosmetic products.

Water temperature: 100º

Infusion time: 2 to 4 minutes.

Recommended quantity: 1 teaspoon per person. Approximately 2 gr per cup (240 ml).

How to prepare: add one teaspoon to 250 ml of boiled water. Cover and leave to infuse for 2 to 4 minutes. Finally, strain and leave to cool down a little before drinking.

Store in a cool, dry place away from light.

How to make iced tea:

Place two tablespoons of Black Tea Bouquet of Roses in a jug with 1.5 L (1500 ml) of boiled water. Cover it and leave it to infuse for 2 to 4 minutes. Then strain and let it cool naturally. If you like your tea sweet, add a spoonful of stevia leaves while the tea is hot. Avoid brewing for longer than three minutes, so as not to make it too sweet. Finally, place it in the fridge.

Enjoy this ICE TEA without any added sugars or artificial preservatives.

NOTE: The image presented was made in our company, however, the type of cut and dimensions of the ingredients of the mix may vary slightly from batch to batch.

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