Cinnamon Tea Recipes: How to Make and Benefits

Top 7 Cinnamon Tea Recipes: How to Make and Benefits

In no mood for jokes? Relax, Cinnamon Tea can help you improve your mood and melt you down with so much sweetness. Rich in antioxidants, Cinnamon is a highly recommended superfood to include in a healthy diet. This warming spice is extracted from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum tree. Cinnamon has been one of the most precious foods since ancient Egyptian times. However, it has not always been accessible to everyone. However, it has not always been accessible to everyone. In Ancient Egypt, Cinnamon was a rarity exclusive to kings.

Fortunately for Cinnamon lovers, today this spice is available in supermarkets and conventional shops. Cinnamon Tea is associated with improved metabolism and increased cell production that favours the strengthening of defences.

Discover our top 7 cinnamon tea recipes, how to make their and benefits. Be happy!


Cinnamon Tea
Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon Tea Recipes

How to make Cinnamon Tea

Ingredients (for 2 people):


How to make it:

  1. Pour 500ml of pre-boiled water into a pan and add the cinnamon sticks;
  2. Cover the pan and leave to infuse for 5 minutes;
  3. Finally, remove the cinnamon sticks and leave them to cool a little before drinking.


Cinnamon Apple Tea


Ingredients (for 2 people):

  • 2 Cinnamon sticks;
  • 1 L (1000ml) of water;
  • 3 Whole apples;
  • 1 Pan;
  • 2 Teacups;
  • 1 Tea strainer.


How to make it:

  1. Start by peeling and dicing each apple;
  2. Fill a pan with 1 L of water and bring to the boil;
  3. Add the apple pieces and the cinnamon. Then cover the pan and bring to the boil;
  4. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 50 minutes;
  5. Remove and strain the mixture;
  6. Finally, serve it in teacups or reserve it in the fridge to drink as iced tea.


Cinnamon Tea
Cinnamon Sticks

Cinnamon Lemon Tea

Ingredients (for 2 people):

  • 2 Cinnamon sticks;
  • 1 Tablespoon dried Lemon Peel;
  • 2 Caramelized candy sticks (optional);
  • 500ml of water;
  • 1 Pan;
  • 2 Teacups;
  • 1 Tea strainer.


How to make it:

  1. Take a pan, pour 500ml of water and bring to the boil;
  2. After boiling, add the cinnamon sticks and lemon peel; Cover the pan and leave to infuse for 5 minutes;
  3. Finally, strain this infusion and pour it into teacups. You can finish off with a caramelized candy stick in each cup.


Bay Leaf and Cinnamon Tea: helps to detox and improve digestion

Bay leaf and cinnamon tea is one of the most recommended teas for treating fluid retention. It is highly known for helping to lose weight because it acts as a diuretic and detox tea. However, bay leaf and cinnamon tea is only a natural weight loss friend.


Ingredients (for 4 people):

  • 1L (1000ml) of water;
  • 6 bay leaves;
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder or 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 4 Teacups;
  • Honey;
  • 1 Pan;
  • 1 Tea strainer.


How to make it:

  1. In a pan, boil 1L of water;
  2. After boiling, add the bay leaves and the cinnamon stick or cinnamon powder;
  3. Mix well and let the ingredients simmer for up to 5 minutes;
  4. Finally, remove, strain, and allow to cool a little before serving.


Cinnamon Tea
Infusions Spices

Cinnamon Tea with Bay Leaf, Lemon, and Anise

Ingredients (for 2 people):

  • 500ml boiled water;
  • 1 teaspoon of Anise Seeds;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • Half a teaspoon of Cinnamon Powder;
  • 1 teaspoon Lemon Peel;
  • 2 teaspoons honey (optional);
  • 2 Teacups (240ml);
  • 1 Pan;
  • 1 Tea strainer.


How to make it:

  1. Take a pan and pour in 500ml of boiled water. Then add the anise, bay leaf, cinnamon, and lemon peel;
  2. Mix well, cover the pan and leave to infuse for 5 to 8 minutes;
  3. Finally, open the pot and strain the infusion. Leave to cool a little and serve in teacups with a little honey.


Cinnamon Tea with Hibiscus and Lemon

Ingredients (for 5 people):

  • 1L (1000ml) of water;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 1 tablespoon of Hibiscus Flowers;
  • 1 teaspoon of Horsetail;
  • 1 Pan;
  • 5 Teacups;
  • 1 Tea strainer.


How to make it:

  1. Pour 1 L of boiled water into a pan. Add the cinnamon stick, hibiscus flowers and horsetail;
  2. Cover the pan and leave to infuse for 8 to 10 minutes;
  3. Finally, strain the infusion and leave it to cool a little before serving.
Cinnamon Tea
Benefits of Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon Mint Tea

Ingredients (for 2 people):

  • 1 teaspoon dried peppermint leaves;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • Honey;
  • 500ml of water;
  • 2 Teacups;
  • 1 Tea strainer.


How to make it:

  1. Bring 500ml of water to the boil with the cinnamon stick and mint leaves;
  2. Once boiling, remove and strain;
  3. Pour the infusion into teacups and add a little honey to each one;
  4. Stir well, let stand for a while and serve immediately afterward.


Benefits of Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon Tea is rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that promote the well-being of the body. Cinnamon, in powder or stick form, strengthens the immune system, helps to lose weight, and reduces menstrual cramps. By acting as a detox tea, Cinnamon Tea improves digestion and balances intestinal transit.

This medicinal tea is also indicated for the relief of pre-menstrual symptoms and indigestion thanks to its analgesic action. It may be an excellent ally for collagen production, diabetes control and improving blood circulation. And also, to improve your sexual performance.

You can take Cinnamon Tea as a natural complement in the treatment of the following cases: excessive intestinal gas, respiratory infections, fatigue, stress, and cholesterol.

Until the next article!



Chás do Mundo

“A Somantis, Unip. Lda é uma empresa fundada em 2005 e que atua no ramo alimentar, com especial incidência na importação e exportação de chás, plantas medicinais, acessórios, especiarias e produtos biológicos diversos. A nossa empresa faz-se representar pela marca “Chás do Mundo ®” que apresenta uma vasta gama de chás de elevada qualidade, onde conta com mais de 2000 variedades disponíveis, entre chás ortodoxos ou blends de diversas tipologias como o chá verde, chá branco, chá preto, chá vermelho, chá oolong, rooibos, plantas medicinais, tisanas, misturas de frutas, chás em saquetas simples, biológicos e de comércio justo.”

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