Uxi Amarelo: benefícios e propriedades

Yellow Uxi: the properties of this medicinal plant

The Yellow Uxi is a recognized medicinal plant from Brazil and women’s best friend. Yellow Uxi have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic, immune stimulant and antioxidant properties. Considered a natural antibiotic, this powerful plant acts in the elimination of intestinal bacteria and the treatment of urinary infections. The analgesic property of Yellow Uxi promotes the inhibition of pain sensation.

But, what is the Yellow Uxi? Scientifically called “Endopleura uchi“, the Yellow Uxi may be consumed in tea and capsules for the immune system and to prevent the development of degenerative diseases.

Enjoy and learn about the medicinal properties of Yellow Uxi for health!

Yellow Uxi

Yellow Uxi Tea Benefits

In the Amazon, it’s usual to use Yellow Uxi to clean the womb of women after childbirth as a preventive method against uterine and urinary infections. While in Korea, it promotes the avoidance of consumption of narcotic drugs, whether legal or not. Known for promoting women’s intimate health, Yellow Uxi loses weight due to its diuretic property when consumed properly and with a healthy lifestyle. This effect is enhanced when consumed in conjunction with Cat’s Claw.

The contribution of Yellow Uxi to getting pregnant is due to its indirect influence in the fight against the appearance of infections in the uterine and vaginal areas of women. However, consumption of Yellow Uxi tea is not recommended during pregnancy due to its abortifacient effect. Much of the benefits of this medicinal plant are aimed at relieving menstrual pain and reducing accumulated stress that leads to frequent fluid retention.

Another advantage is the consumption of Yellow Uxi tea for candidiasis. Regarding its purifying effect, Yellow Uxi may help in the absorption of fat and sugar present in the blood. It’s recommended for people suffering from diabetes, and high cholesterol. Yellow Uxi is known for being a liver and brain protector.

Enriched with plant substances, Yellow Uxi is consumed by the native people of the Amazon due to its action in the fight against female infertility. Yellow Uxi can be used to treat the prostate.

You can find Yellow Uxi in herbalist stores and pharmacies.

How does Yellow Uxi work on fibroids?

A fibroid is a benign tumour that develops in the muscular part of a woman’s uterus. This disease affects 50% of women aged between 30 and 50 years. Yellow Uxi helps treat the fibroid through its anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. Its analgesic effect may reduce the sensation of pain and bleeding.

However, it is not possible to treat fibroids without additional medication.

Warnings of Yellow Uxi

Warnings of Yellow Uxi

There are unknown contraindications in the consumption of Yellow Uxi. However, excessive consumption of Yellow Uxi tea can cause gastrointestinal problems.

How long does the yellow uxi and cat’s claw take effect?

Yellow Uxi and Cat’s Claw together are great allies for female fertility. Usually, the consumption of this tea is recommended for women who suffer from some uterine, vaginal or urinary problem. The consumption of Yellow Uxi and Cat’s Claw tea is applied to diseases such as fibroids, uterine cysts, endometriosis, candidiasis, gastritis and menstrual dysregulation due to polycystic ovary syndrome.

With regular consumption of 500ml of this natural solution, you will be able to obtain effective results after 3 to 4 months of the first dose. This set also helps to strengthen the bone structure.

For the consumption of Yellow Uxi and Cat’s Claw tea, it’s recommended that you be accompanied by a gynaecologist.

How to prepare Yellow Uxi tea?

To prepare this tea, you should start by applying a tablespoon of Yellow Uxi in 500 ml of cold water in a teapot. Then, boil this natural solution over low heat for 3 to 4 minutes. After boiling, remove it from the heat and let it rest for about 10 minutes. Finally, strain it, and it will be ready to consume without any sugar to enjoy 100% of its benefits.

It is recommended that you take 2 to 3 cups a day. You should consume Yellow Uxi tea in the afternoon for one month.

Try it and tell us your experience!

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