chá de curcuma benefícios

Turmeric Tea: properties, benefits and how to make it

Consumption of Turmeric Tea is highly recommended for reducing cholesterol, improving digestion, and relieving joint pain. Turmeric, or Indian Saffron, is the most widely used spice in Indian cuisine. But, can it be used as an infusion? Often confused with Saffron (Crocus sativus), Curcuma longa can also be referred to as Turmeric, Indian Saffron, and Golden Root. The distinction between these two spices can be made by their colour. Turmeric has an orange hue, while Saffron is yellowish. In its natural state, Turmeric resembles ginger in shape.

In medicine, the fame of Turmeric is due to the presence of Curcumin (a bioactive compound), a type of pigment responsible for its colour and therapeutic properties. This powerful superfood has high antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diuretic, and dermatological capabilities. 

Discover what Turmeric Tea is used for, how to make it, and its benefits! Happy reading.


Benefits and Properties of Turmeric Tea

Turmeric is a type of root widely used in Ayurvedic Medicine and traditional Chinese Medicine. Besides being an icon of Indian culture, Turmeric is widely consumed in Pakistan and Taiwan. Currently, India is the world’s largest producer of Turmeric, with production exceeding 80%. It is through its nutritional potential that Turmeric has reached distinctive markets such as Germany, where it is known as “gelbwurzel”.

Regarding its benefits for mental health, Turmeric Tea may contribute to the improvement of cognitive functions and stimulate good mood. Due to its strong antioxidant and diuretic potential, this natural tea is recommended for people who want to lose weight. This action in the weight loss process is related to the burning of body fat. It may also contribute to the balance of the intestinal flora. Therefore, it is one of the best alternatives for obese people and for those who wish to follow a detox diet.

According to scientific studies, Turmeric originates from Asia, where it may have existed for six thousand years. The use of Turmeric is a common element in Indian and Chinese gastronomy. In recent years, there has been an increasing consumption of turmeric in European countries, possibly associated with its contribution to mental well-being. From this perspective, Turmeric has proved essential in improving certain depressive states. This is why it represents one of the most studied spices by science.

Turmeric Tea may promote the reduction of intestinal discomfort. In addition, it may stimulate the secretion of bile, protect the liver, aid in the treatment of acne and balance blood glucose levels.

How to make Turmeric Tea

To prepare your Turmeric Tea, you need the following ingredients: 5 pieces of  Turmeric Root and 1L of boiled water. Are you Ready? Take a container with a lid and add these 2 ingredients. Cover it and leave it to infuse for 10 to 15 minutes. Finally, simply strain it, let it cool down a little and you can consume it immediately. 

If you have turmeric powder, you can use it to add colour to your culinary dishes with a few sprinkles such as: broths, soups, baked apples or breads. It is often used together with lemon and ginger. Explore the best spices in the world of teas and be happy!

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