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0 1 2 3 4

You need a lot to yield

Here is a tea that my grandmother often used for it's vitamins and relaxing in case of a stuffed large intestine. It doesn't yield a lot of taste or c...  mehr

0 1 2 3 4

Really overwhelming.

Now this one remind me of soap. As a taste it is really overpowering. I just can't get used to it.

0 1 2 3 4

Hibiscus is just it.

Hibiscus is one of the herbs, I use frequently, pure or mixed with other herbs. It enhances your feeling about yourself with it's positive taste. Mayb...  mehr

0 1 2 3 4

Well, it is bitter

Because it is so bitter it needs some help of sweet aromatic herbs like Hibiscus, Peppermint, Mint or Melisa. However it feels well in your stomach

0 1 2 3 4

What sweet smell

I put my Malve into a container and catch myself just smelling this wonderful strong aroma, full of
sweetness and flowery accents. My usual mixture...  mehr

I like the taste that lingers on even after consumption. I normally mix it with Hibiscus and rosehips for a tasty and multifaceted Experience

Dieser Earl Grey ist erheblich billiger, als ein vergleichbarer Tee bei anderen Anbietern und er wird in einer Tüte geliefert und nicht in Portionst...  mehr

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