The Cat's Claw is a popular medicinal plant in Peru due to its diuretic, analgesic, antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. This powerful plant, rich in essential nutrients, takes the form of a shrub vine that grows supported generally on a tree...

The Leather Hat (Echinodorus macrophyllus) is a famous plant from the traditional Brazilian culture with anti-inflammatory, diuretic, digestive, depurative, astringent, energetic, laxative, antioxidant and detoxifying properties. Come with us on this adventure through the world of teas and discover the...

Matricaria Recutita is a specie of aromatic and medicinal plant in the Asteraceae family. Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, healing, analgesic and digestive properties. Its use is common for the treatment of gastrointestinal inflammation, colic, indigestion, morning sickness and fever. Chamomile tea is an...

The wild species Momordica charantia or bitter melon is a tropical and subtropical vine that grows in the tropics and subtropics. Within the Cucurbitaceae family, with edible fruits, it is the most bitter of the vegetables. Although it is a species native to the...